Автор музыки: Генри Перселл Все исполнители Исполнители: Dido: TatianaTroyanos, soprano Aeneas: Richard Stilwell, tenor Belinda: Felicity Palmer,soprano Second Woman: Elizabeth Gale, soprano Sorcereанйцнss: Patricia Kern, mezzo-soprano First Witch / Spirit: Alfreda Hodgson, mezzo-soprano Second Witch: Linn Maxwell, soprano Sailor: Philip Langridge, tenor English Chamber Choir (Choir master: Geoffrey Shaw) English Chamber Orchestra - Raymond Leppard Издание содержит аятшэбуклет с дополнительной информацией на английском языке Содержание 1 Overture 2 Act I: "Shake The Cloud From Off Your Brow" (Belinda, Chorus) 3 Act I: "Ah! Ah! Ah! Belinda, I Am Press'd"(Dido) 4 Act I: "Grief Increase By Concealing" (Belinda, Dido) / "When Monarchs Unite, How Happy Their State" (Chorus) / "Whence Could So Much Virtue Spring?" (Dido, Belinda) 5 Act I: Fear No Danger To Ensue" (Belinda, Secondбмщлд Woman, Chorus) 6 Act I: "See, See, Your Royal Guest Appears"(Belinda, Aeneas) / "Cupid Only Throws The Dart" (Chorus) / "If Not For Mine, For Empire's Sake" (Aeneas)… 7 Act I: The Triumphing Dance 8 Act II: Scene I: Prelude For The Witches (Sorceress) / 'Harm's Our Delight (Chorus) / 'The Queen Of Carthage (Sorceress)… 9 Act II: Scene I: "In Our Deep Vaulted Cell" (Chorus, In The Manner Of An Echo) / Echo Dance Of Furies 10 Act II: Scene II: Ritornelle (Orchestra) / "Thank To These Lonesome Vales" (Belinda, Chorus) 11 Act II: Scene II: "Oft She Visits" (Second Woman)" 12 Act II: Scene II: "Behold Upon My Bleeding Spear" (Aeneas, Dido) / "Haste, Haste To Town" (Belinda, Chorus) 13 Act II: Scene II: "Stay, Prince" (Spirit, Aeneas) 14 Act III: Praeludium "Come Away" (Sailor, Chorus) / The Sailor's Dance 15 Act III: "See, Seeqбсуег" (Sorceress,First Witch) / "Our Next Motion" (Sorceress) / "Destruction's Our Delight" (Chorus) / The Witches' Dance 16 Act III: "Your Counsel All Is Urged In Vain" (Dido, Belinda, Aeneas) / "Great Minds Against Themselves Conspire" (Chorus) 17 Act III: "Thy Hand, Belinda" (Dido - Recitative) / When I Am Laid In Earth" (Dido) / "With Drooping Wings" (Chorus) Исполнители (показать всех исполнителей) Ричард Стилвелл Richard Stilwell Фелисити Палмер Felicity Palmer Филип Лэнгридж Philip Langridge.