Ever wondered what happened to your first love? Imagine bumping into them twelve years later and realizing you still fancy them rotten That's exactly what happens to Dig Ryan when he sees Delilah again Now iанмбхmagine you're Nadine You and Dig have been best friends for fifteen years And you've finally realized that you're in love with him So when Delilah who always was your nemesis returns, you're mad with jealousy and can't help behaving childishly Like phoning your firаяфръst love Phil just to get your own back "Thirty-Nothing" is a story of ex-boyfriends, ex-girlfriends and friends dabbling with yesterday when they really should be thinking about today Формат издания: 12,5 см х 19,5 см Автор Лайза Джуэлл Lisa Jewell Англичанка Лайза Джуэлл родилась в 1968г По окончании художественного колледжа работала то дизайнером в модных салонах, то секретаршей, но вольготно чувствовала себя только на литературных курсах За свою первую книгу - бмъклq"Вечеринка у Ральфа" - Джуэлл .