For Oscar Wilde, as for many people, reading could be as powerful and transformative an experience as falling in love He devoured books, talked books, luxuriated in books and lavished books on his friends - tанкцкhey played, too, a vital part in his seductions of young men "Oscar's Books" tells the story of Wilde's life through his reading, from his childhood in Dublin, where he was nurtured on Celtic myth, Romantic poetry and Irish folklore; through his undergraduatаяуушe years, in which he built his intellect out of books; to prison, where his friends supplied him with literature which saved his sanity; to his final years in Paris where he consoled himself with old favourites such as Flaubert and Balzac Fresh, utterly engaging and wholly original, "Oscar's Books" is an entirely new kind of biography Автор Николас Томас Райт Nicholas Thomas Wright Николас Томас Райт – епископ Даремский, один из ведущих современных библеистов и богослобмщщэвов Профессор Нового Завета в Оксфорде и Кембридже Автор многочисленных исследований о Новом Завете .