Born into a theatrical family, Chaplin's father died of drink while his mother, unable to bear the poverty, suffered from bouts of insanity, Chaplin embarked on a film-making career which won him immeasurable анифщsuccess, as well as intense controversy His extraordinary autobiography was first published in 1964 and was written almost entirely without reference to documentation - simply as an astonishing feat of memory by a 75 year old man It is an incomparably vivid reconstruаясябction of a poor London childhood, the music hall and then his prodigious life in the movies Автор Чарли Чаплин Charles Chaplin Чарльз Спенсер Чаплин родился 16 апреля 1889 года в Лондоне, в семье артистов мюзик - холла, и уже в семь лет пел и танцевал на сцене Детство Чарли было нищим, голодным, жестоким и одиноким, как у большинства детей того времени Именно пережитое в .